
Consultant Support Analyst

Consultant Support Analyst

A new recruit to the world of Consultancy, Max has joined Altus at the start of his professional career and brings a youthful enthusiasm and tuned analytical mind into our Programme Delivery team, eager to embark on his journey as a Change Delivery professional.

What was your background before joining Altus Consulting?

Prior to Altus, I spent three years at The University of Manchester undertaking a BA History degree. I was then lucky enough to be given a three-month internship with Altus where I was placed within Altus’ Programme Delivery team and given responsibilities on several client projects, ranging from Managed Services, Audits, and large-scale migration programmes. This period was instrumental in making me realise that I wanted to pursue a Consultancy career and a role that was focused on delivering change for Financial Services clients.

What attracted you to Altus Consulting?

The impression left on me by my time at Altus as an intern was that of a company with a plethora of deeply experienced professionals, who were constantly engaged in exciting work, whilst remaining true to their deeply rooted values with their people at the centre of everything they do. In my mind, this combination of traits, all aligning with what sort of company I wanted to work for, made Altus a company I was eager to return to. Moreover, the opportunity to start my career at an organisation with such a deep wealth of industry knowledge was something that I knew would be invaluable to the early development of my professional career.

Tell us a bit about your team.

As soon as I joined Altus it was clear that the team was unlike any I had worked in before. People are not only friendly (even on the coldest and wettest Bath winter days!), but they are always willing to give up their time to share their knowledge with you, which as a new member of the team is incredibly valuable to me. There is a genuine sense that the team succeeds as one, and every individual contribution to that combined success is celebrated the same, fostering an incredible sense of team unity.

What do you do in your role?

No two days are the same in my role. My job title is ‘Consultant Support Analyst’ but the work I engage in is so much more than the job title suggests! Some days I will be project managing or supporting internal projects and other days I will be involved in client work, directly responsible for client deliverables, acting as a support function for my team, or liaising with our Associates.

What do you enjoy about working here?

Both the work that Altus is involved in, and the way that they go about it drew me back to Altus for a permanent role. The constant pipeline of exciting yet challenging projects that I can work on mean that every day there will be new and engaging problems to solve, something which motivates me to bring my best self to work. Alongside this, Altus’ values really do make everyone feel cared about, a culture which I am extremely proud to be a part of.

How has your role changed since being here?

I’ve not been with Altus long but already I’ve been given numerous opportunities to get involved with client work and been given project management responsibilities for exciting internal projects. Moreover, I am enabled by Altus to set the direction of my personal development, meaning that I’m able to choose which qualifications to study towards, attend any conferences that are of value to my role or domain, and more significantly, decide on which areas of Programme Delivery I’d like to specialise in as my career develops.

What has made you stay?

At the time of writing this, I’ve only been with Altus for just over a month, so answering ‘What has made you stay?’ is something I cannot do. But if I were to imagine myself returning to this paragraph in a few years’ time, I’m sure that my answer would not be any different from what I think the answer is now! The people, the culture, and the work all combine into a job that rewards me with constant excitement, personal development, and for want of a better phrase, a reason to get out of bed in the morning to go to work. The extremely fun social events don’t hurt either!

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